1. “Jet-Assisted Chevy”
Can a '67 Chevy turn into a 350-mile-per-hour road warrior? Are Pop Rocks candy and soda a recipe for disaster?
In this episode, Adam and Jamie test:
1) If a Chevy really moved a lot faster, from 80 mph to 350 mph, just because it had jets attached to its roof.
2) If the legendary mixing of "Pop Rocks" and soda really makes your stomach explode.
2. “Biscuit Bazooka”
Can a person get stuck to an airline toilet while it's in flight? Is there such a thing as a biscuit bazooka? The leaping lawyer, Fact or Fiction?
In this episode, Adam and Jamie test:
1) If an obese woman could be really suctioned by an airplane's small Waste Toilet.
2) If the myth that biscuits exploding in the back of a hot car could blow your brains out.
3) If a guy (supposedly a lawyer) who was bouncing off a big window from a 24th floor could really fall and die because the window broke.
3. “Poppy-Seed Drug Test”
Can a poppy-seed bagel tilt the results of a drug test? Can balloons carry a lawn chair? If you cover your body in gold paint, will you be able to breathe? Or could you die from it?
In this episode, Adam and Jamie test:
1) If a guy called Larry Lawn attached some weather balloons to his chair and flew away!
2) If someone can really die if he/she is completely covered with golden paint. They also see if they can survive only because they left a small patch of skin unpainted.
3) If eating a Poppy-Seed bagel gives you a positive result in a drug test.
4. “Exploding Toilet”
Can you explode a toilet by flushing flammables down the bowl then lighting a match? Do you get wetter running or walking in the rain? Can bullets made of ice really not leave evidence in their victims?
In this episode the Adam and Jamie test:
1) If it's possible to use an ice bullet to kill someone without leaving evidence.
2) If a toilet can explode by pouring a flammable liquid into it and lighting a match.
3) If it's raining, is it better to walk then run in the rain?
Bonus: Jamie and Adam's building challenge:
Building an Umbrella gun
5. “Cell Phone Destroys Gas Station”
Can chatting on a cell phone while pumping gas cause the pump to blow up? Will silicone breast implants burst under pressure? Can high-speed CD-ROM players really shatter a CD?
In this episode the Adam and Jamie test:
1) If it's possible that using a cell phone at a gas station can cause the pump to explode.
2) If the pressure changes experienced at high altitude in no-pressurized flights can make a woman's silicone breasts expand.
3) If the new computers that spin CDs at a very high speed can cause them to shatter.
6. “Barrel of Bricks”
Is it dangerous to pee on the electrified third rail of a train track? Can an eel-skin wallet erase the information on your credit cards? Can a 500-pound barrel of bricks really hit the pulley holder?
In this episode, the Adam and Jamie test:
1) If a construction worker can be pulled up by dropping a barrel of bricks drag him up a pulley then smashed by the bricks.
2) If peeing on an electrified rail can give you an electroshock and kill you.
3) If an eel skin wallet can erase the information of credit cards.
7. “Penny Drop”
Can a penny dropped from a skyscraper kill a person below? Is it possible to "bake yourself" on a tanning bed? Did Lucille Ball expose a spy ring by hearing radio signals from her tooth fillings?
In this episode the Adam and Jamie test:
1) If dropping a penny from a very high building (like the Empire State) can kill a pedestrian.
2) If a tanning bed can kill you, burning your heart.
3) If metallic tooth fillings can transmit radio waves.
8. “Buried Alive”
Could a person survive a leap from a bridge by throwing a hammer in the water first? Is it possible to survive being buried alive? Can cola really remove bloodstains, clean rust or cook a steak?
In this episode the Adam and Jamie test:
1) If a person that fell off a bridge can his life be saved by dropping a hammer into the water to break the rigidity of the surface?
2) If a person could be buried alive and still be alive after a few days.
3) Several myths related to Cola
#1) Clean up blood.
#2) Polishing Chrome.
#3) Dissolving rust
#4) Shine a penny
#5) Erode a tooth
#6) Dissolving a T-Bone steak
#7) Clean Battery terminals.
#8) Grease Stain remover
#9) De-grease Engine
#10) Ruin Car Paint
#11) Effective Spermicide
9. “Lightning Strikes - Tongue Piercing”
Is it possible to make a cannon out of a tree? Could a drunk person really fool a Breathalyser test? Can Adam's tongue piercing withstand the electric force of a lightning bolt?
In this episode the Adam and Jamie test:
1) If using a piercing or jewels makes you more vulnerable to lightning in a storm.
2) If is possible that an ancient small town built a tree cannon that exploded and killed all the village.
3) If you can beat the breath test, like biting mint or onions.
10. “Stinky Car, Raccoon Rocket”
Is the myth of the stinky car true? Is the "raccoon in the drain" myth true? Will our MythBusters become human cannonballs?
In this episode the Adam and Jamie test:
1) If it's possible to sell a Corvette that smells horrible because someone died and his body stayed in the car for 3 months.
2) If a drain filled with fuel can become a deadly cannon when someone gets inside.
11. “Alcatraz Escape”
Could prisoners really have escaped Alcatraz without a trace? Does a duck's quack echo? Can a stud finder really prove if human beings have been guinea pigs in mind-control experiments?
In this episode, the Adam and Jamie test:
1) If it's possible to escape from Alcatraz only with a homemade raft.
2) If quacks from ducks echo.
3) If the government implants chips in your body when you donate blood.
12. “Chicken Gun”
Will launching a chicken at an airplane disrupt its flight, or will the bird be blown away? Is it possible for a woman to swallow an octopus egg - and then give birth to an eight-legged offspring?
To see if an airplane's window can resist the crashing of a bird flying at high speed, engineers launch chickens at high speeds into the windows with an air cannon before the window is used in a plane.
In this episode the Adam and Jamie test:
1) If launching frozen chickens out of a cannon do more damage when crashing into airplane windshields.
2) If a woman can give birth an octopus by swallowing an octopus egg.
3) If a washing machine with the help of a dog can kill you.
13. “Explosive Decompression, Frog Giggin', Rear Axle”
Can firing a bullet into the shell of an aircraft cause explosive decompression? Can a loaded .22-caliber gun cartridge be used as a replacement fuse in a car's ignition? Can a car be ripped off its rear axle?
In this episode the Adam and Jamie test:
1) If a bullet hole in an airplane's window can cause an explosive decompression that destroys the plane and blows out the passengers.
2) If a 22 calibre gun cartridge can be used a fuse.
3) If a car can be ripped off its rear axle if gets stuck in a hole.
14. “Sinking Titanic, Goldfish Memory, Trombone Explosion”
Will a sinking ship suck you down as it goes under? Are goldfish bored or just plain stupid? Will throwing a lit firecracker down the neck of a trombone make your music sweeter?
In this episode the Mythbusters test:
1) If a sinking ship can suck you down and kill you if you are next to it.
2) If goldfish can remember things.
3) They see what happens when you drop explosive material inside a trombone.
15. “Break step Bridge”
Will a college rowing team be able to pull Jamie up on water skis? Can the rhythm of soldiers marching together can cause a bridge to collapse? Does the bacteria from a toilet will settle in your toothbrush?
In this episode Adam and Jamie test:
1) If a party of marching soldiers can make a bridge fall down.
2) If bacteria from the toilet can go to toothbrushes.
3) If it's possible to water ski behind a rowboat.
16. “Buried in Concrete”
Will Jamie and Adam find Jimmy Hoffa, who is allegedly buried in concrete? Can the power and force of a 737 launch a taxicab 75 feet in the air? Is the daddy longlegs the most venomous spider?
In this episode the Adam and Jamie test:
1) If Jimmy Hoffa is buried in the concrete in front of a stadium.
2) If "Daddy-Longlegs" are the most poisonous spiders in the world and if they even have venom.
3) If a taxi can be launched into the air by a jet motor's power.
17. “Scuba Diver, Car Capers”
In this episode the Mythbusters and "Mythbuilders" test:
-If is possible that a fire-fighting helicopter sucks out a scuba diver from a lake when it's re-loading water.
-They also test several car myths, like what happens when you shoot the tank.
18. “Myths Revisited”
The MythBusters hear the public critics and re-tests the following myths:
-"Peeing on the Third Rail"
-"Chicken Gun" (which gave problems and had to be re-tested twice)
-"Ice Bullet"
-"Cell Phone + Gas Station = Explosion"
-"Aerosol (formally Biscuit) Bullet, part II"
-"Exploding Implants, part II"
19. “Ancient Death Ray”
In this episode the Mythbusters and "Mythbuilders" test:
-If the legend that says that the ancient Greek scientist Archimedes destroyed roman ships only with the power of mirrors and sunlight is real.
-They test several ways to take off the odour of a skunk, and they see what is more effective.
-The whole team tests several materials to see if they can protect someone from a bullet's impact.
20. “Elevator of Death, Levitation Machine”
In this episode, the Mythbusters and "Mythbuilders" test:
-If a person can be saved if jumps at the last possible minute in a plummeting elevator.
In addition to the Elevator of Death, Adam and Jamie build a levitation machine to see if it could be used as a mode of transportation.
Guest Stars: Rob Aschero as Himself | Lester Appel as Himself | Pete Anderson (1) as Himself
21. “Beat the Radar Detector”
In this episode, the Mythbusters and "Mythbuilders" test:
-If a construction worker that fell off a building survived by holding plywood. They see what is the best way to use the plywood, testing several positions and using 5 pieces of plywood in several ways.
-They test several "legal" materials that can be used to not be detected by a radar gun in the runway.
Guest Stars: Rick Hatfield as Himself
22. “Quicksand, Bathtub Electrocution, MRI Rays and Tattoos”
In this episode the Mythbusters and "Mythbuilders" test:
-If quicksand can really pull you down and kill you, or if that is just a legend from adventure tales.
-They test with the help of a plastic test dummy if you can die by dropping an electrical appliance in a bathtub´
-The Mythbuilder team tests if tattoos explode when they're exposed to MRI rays.
23. “Exploding Jawbreaker”
In this episode, the Mythbusters and "Mythbuilders" test:
-If it's possible that a hot Jawbreaker explodes in your mouth and causes you serious burns.
-They test if a normal playing card can kill you if is thrown fast, with the help of an expert and Adam's talent...
-Finally, they see if it's possible that a construction worker died from sandblasting a PVC pipe due the electric properties of this material.
Guest Stars: Rick Jay (1) as Himself | Susie See as Herself
24. “Ping-Pong Rescue”
In this episode, Jamie and Adam test:
-If a sunken boat can be lifted only with Ping-Pong balls (lots of Ping-Pong balls, in fact).
-The "Mythbuilder" team tests the classic myth of the kid that picks a bunch of balloons and is lifted off the ground. How many balloons are needed to lift a 4 year child off the ground?
25. “Boom Lift Catapult”
In this episode, The Mythbusters and "Mythbuilders" test:
-Which is the most fuel-efficient way to drive, with your windows down, which reduces the speed of the car, or with the air conditioner on, which uses more fuel.
-With the help of Buster, they test the myth of using a Boom-Lift to lift an engine out of a car.
26. “Exploding House”
In this episode the Mythbusters and "Mythbuilders" test:
-How hard is to find a needle in a haystack, and to make it harder, a bone needle and 4 metallic needles in lots of haystacks!
-They test if a house can explode by the excessive use of aerosol
-Finally, they see if talking to plants actually makes them grow up faster
Guest Stars: Byram Abbott as Himself | Mike Barrett (1) as Himself | Jorge Bermudez as Himself | Paul H. Gosselin as Himself | Cathe A. Ray as Herself | Colette Sandstedt as Herself | Dustin Strobel as Himself
27. “Ming Dynasty Astronaut”
In this episode the Mythbusters and "Mythbuilders" test:
-With the help of "Buster", they test the myth of a Chinese Astronomer who strapped rockets to his chair to go to the space.
-Adam and Jamie test different free energy devices.
-They see if a ceiling fan can really kill someone or just causes minor injuries.
28. “Buster Special”
After one and a half season of explosions and accidents, Buster, the test dummy, was almost completely destroyed. It is very damaged, so Adam and Jamie decide to repair it. IN this episode, we will see how is Buster repaired, plus a test experiment to see if it works...
29. “Ultimate Mythbuster”
Adam and Jamie compete against each other in a series of challenges to see who the Ultimate Mythbuster is.
Test 1: Engineering; create a device to launch a tortilla as far as possible without destroying it
Test 2: Estimation; estimate the weight of 3 different objects looking at them and then taking them with their hands
Test 3: Fear; they have to hold creepy creatures without getting scared.
Test 4: Creative Thinking; they have to build the classic "Egg Drop Device" to protect the egg from the fall.
Test 5: Pain; they'll have to stand the pain caused by paint balls.
Test 6: Memory; they have to test each other with a 6-question quiz about the myths they've tested.
30. “Brown Note”
In this episode the Mythbusters and "Mythbuilders" test:
-If there is really a sound that makes you "tinkle" in your pants.
-They test if that classic shot with a gun in a movie scene with fly backward is possible.
-Finally, they see if the Chinese water torture is effective, with the help of Kari and Adam as volunteers.
31. “Salsa Escape”
In this episode the Mythbusters and "Mythbuilders" test:
-If a famous Mexican delinquent could escape from a prison using just spicy sauce.
-They test if using dynamite to clean a mixer truck's barrel is more effective than the "traditional" way, using heavy, noisy machinery. Guest Stars: Frank Doyle as Himself
32. “Exploding Port-a-Potty”
In this episode the Mythbusters and "Mythbuilders" test:
-If lighting a cigarette inside a port-a-potty can cause an explosion and third-degree burns to the person that's inside.
-They see if human body can create enough methane to cause an explosion.
33. “Is Yawning Contagious?”
Everyone knows that laughing is contagious. But what about yawning?
In this episode the Mythbusters and "Mythbuilders" test:
-If Yawning is contagious.
-They test the urban legend that says that the buttered side of a toasts always ends up "facing" the floor when the toast falls
-Finally, they see if a toy car can beat a racing car in a gravity slope race.
34. “MythBusters Outtakes”
Some takes were taken out of the series for time reasons, but some of them were really excellent! In this episode, those takes will be shown.
35. “Cooling a Six-Pack”
In this episode the Mythbusters and "Mythbuilders" test:
-What is the best way to cool a six pack? (See Adam and Jamie using everything, from ice to nitrogen).
-They test what happens when you drop a car from 60 feet (height) with a crane. Will Buster 2.0 survive this accident?
-Finally, the Mythbuilder team tests if ancient people had batteries, and how could they be used.
Guest Stars: John Delois as Himself | Dr. Qi Han as Himself
36. “Son of a Gun”
In this episode the Mythbusters and "Mythbuilders" test:
-If is possible that a woman in the civil war was impregnated by a bullet that went through a soldier's "masculine region".
-They test if it's safe to be in a bathroom's tub during a lighting storm.
-Finally, they see what happens if you forget to detach your trailer from your boat, and you take it to the lake. Will the boat sink?
37. “Shop 'til You Drop”
Where do the MythBusters buy all the stuff they use in their experiments? This and other questions will be answered in this episode, where we will see how do they get all the materials they need.
38. “MythBusters: Revealed”
A clip show of the best moments of MythBusters, with comments of the hosts.
39. “Hollywood on Trial”
A clip show about the best Hollywood-related myths ever shown. Also, the new mythbuilder Grant Imahara is introduced to the series.
40. “Breaking Glass”
Everybody knows the myth of the opera singer that breaks glass only with her voice.
In this episode the Mythbusters and "Mythbuilders" test:
-If the myth of the opera singer that breaks the glass with her voice is real.
-They see if you can make a jet engine out of a vacuum cleaner parts.
-Finally, they test if it's true that a rolling stone gathers no moss.
Guest Stars: Jamie Vendera as Himself
41. “Jet Pack”
In this episode the Mythbusters and "Mythbuilders" test:
-If is possible to build a hovering jet pack with $10,000
-If the pyramid shape helped preserving mummies, and current day pyramids preserve food items.
42. “Killer Brace Position”
In this episode the Mythbusters and "Mythbuilders" test:
-What is more dangerous: driving while talking by cell phone or driving after drinking some beers.
-They test, in their own "homemade" airplane, the "killer brace position".
43. “Bullet Proof Water”
In this episode the Mythbusters and "Mythbuilders" test:
-How deep do you have to dive to survive a gunshot?
-They test if to get a swinger to go all the way around a swing set, up and over the bar is possible.
Guest Stars: Eric O. Braun (1) as Himself | Erik Gates as Himself
44. “Jaws Special”
In this episode are tested myths from the legendary film "Jaws". There are also tested lots of Myths related to sharks.
Guest Stars: Frank Doyle as Himself
45. “Border Slingshot”
In this episode the Mythbusters and "Mythbuilders" test:
-If is possible to fling someone over the border using a slingshot safely to a mattress.
Guest Stars: Rick Dickson as Himself
46. “Killer Tissue Box”
In this episode the Mythbusters and "Mythbuilders" test:
-If a tissue box can become a lethal missile in a car crash.
-They see if an archer can split one arrow with another, as the legendary Robin Hood did.
47. “Escape Slide Parachute”
In this episode the Mythbusters and "Mythbuilders" test:
-They test a classic "Indiana Jones" with the help of "Buster", the test dummy.
-They test if hair cream can cause explosion or decapitation.
-Finally, they see if it's possible to survive to a fall from 33,000 ft. without a parachute.
48. “MythBusters Revisited”
Adam and Jamie take their detractors head on as they revisit some of their favourite myths. They're going to answer them once and silence their critiques!
49. “Chinese Invasion Alarm”
The MythBusters take a pot shot at an ancient Chinese text that alludes to a subterranean sonar system that could apparently detect and intercept an invasion from below. And watch Adam and Jamie test out a myth that millions of hungry Americans invoke every day - if it's been on the floor for less than five seconds, is it really safe to eat?
50. “Christmas Special”
The best myths of the year are shown again in a Christmas-themed episode while the MythBusters test some small myths related to Christmas and cold days.
51. “Confederate Rocket”
The American Civil War was fought with bayonets, muskets and cannons. But was that all? Not according to the MythBusters. So Adam, Jamie and the build team join forces to find out if the Confederate Army had a secret deadly weapon - the world's first long-range missile, which according to rumours, was launched from Richmond, Va., and aimed at the White House over 100 miles away.
Guest Stars: Erik Gates as Himself | Steve Harrington as Himself
52. “Vodka Myths”
According to myth, in a high-speed, head-on collision, a pair of trucks fused together upon impact, sealing the unfortunate car and driver between them. The team needs a traffic-free stretch of freeway. By amazing coincidence, they find one in Alameda that was specially constructed by the makers of Matrix Reloaded to film their own head-on collision between two semi-trailers. Also, Kari hosts some urban legends about Russia's national drink, vodka.
Guest Stars: Dan Green as Himself | Jack Friedman (1) as Himself | Tito Yeban as Himself
53. “Steel Toe Amputation”
Adam and Jamie slice and dice a myth from the construction industry. According to some labourers, steel-toed boots can be more dangerous than the regular variety. Apparently, a worker from Down Under was awarded financial compensation for losing three toes when a heavy weight fell on his steel toe-capped boot. But were the unfortunate Aussie's steel toe caps turned into toe cutters, as the myth stipulates?
54. “Seasickness - Kill or Cure”
The whole team takes on the challenge of finding the holy grail of the sea, i.e., an effective remedy for mal de mer, in this episode. From electric shock therapy to homeopathic tongue tinglers, can the MythBusters find a cure to this frequently regurgitated problem? Returning to shore, Adam and Jamie hit the road in a fuel efficiency special. They seek to answer the age-old question: Does driving with your pickup's tailgate down save gas and, hence, money?
Guest Stars: Alan Normandy as Himself
55. “Paper Crossbow”
Adam and Jamie unleash a deadly myth from a supermax prison, attempting to make a deadly weapon out of nothing more dangerous than newspaper and underwear. While they are being tested to their wits' end, Grant, Kari and Tory unscrew the cap on some more vodka myths, the latest in an occasional series of tall tales about the popular Russian tipple.
Guest Stars: Vernell Crittendon, Jr. as Himself | Tim Oviatt as Himself | Wayne Pearsal as Himself
56. “Shredded Plane”
Adam and Jamie look into what could have caused a plane to be shredded, while the mythbuilder team uses their survivor skills to test in Firestarter.
57. “Archimedes Death Ray Revisited”
After a lot of complains and requests of fans, Adam and Jamie with the help of the Mythbuilder team retest the myth of the Archimedes Death Ray that destroys a roman ship. In return, fans are invited.
Guest Stars: Jessie Nelson as Himself | Michael Bushroe as Himself | Kari Lukes as Herself | Steven Marsh (1) as Himself | Brenden Millstein as Himself
58. “Helium Football”
In this episode, Adam and Jamie test the myth that footballs filled with helium are more stable, fly further and hang longer that footballs filled with air. Then, the Mythbuilders see if teeth are strong enough to withstand the force of a bullet.
59. “Franklin's Kite”
Tory, Grant and Kari attempts to re-create Ben Franklin's famous experiment using a kite in a lightning storm, but things go wrong. Meanwhile Adam and Jamie examine various myths about flatulence.
Guest Stars: John Hunt (1) as Himself
60. “Cell Phones on Airplanes”
Is true that an inflatable raft filled with helium can fly? Adam and Jamie test various sizes of rafts to see if they can get one to lift Adam off the ground. Meanwhile Grant tries to see if cell phone operation will really affect airplane electronics.
Guest Stars: Tom Benvenuto as Himself
61. “Bullets Fired Up”
What happens when you fire in the air? Will the bullet kill someone when it returns? The mythbuilder team also tests several Vodka myths.
Guest Stars: David G. Mohler as Himself | Alan Normandy as Himself
62. “Myths Reopened”
Three myths are reexamined: the "Split Arrow", "Confederate Rocket" and "Bulletproof Water".
63. “Mind Control”
In this episode:
-Adam and Jamie try to blow open a home improvement myth with dynamite.
-Then, the "Mythbuilders" try to control someone's mind remotely.
Guest Stars: Frank Doyle as Himself | Joe Konafel as Himself | J.P. Nelson as Himself
64. “Exploding Pants”
In this episode, the Mythbusters and "Mythbuilders" test:
-The fashion myth about farmer trousers which suddenly explode
-Then, Adam and Jamie test if it's true that gas and car companies make cars intentionally use more fuel in order to increase the profits.
Guest Stars: Sanjay Singh as Himself | Frank Doyle as Himself
65. “Crimes and Myth-demeanors 1”
Hollywood movies are often filled with fake and/or impossible things and it's one of the biggest myth creators of the history. Adam, Jamie and all the Mythbuilders will test some of the most important and classic Hollywood myths again to prove the people that there's nothing to be scared of.
66. “Steam Cannon”
In this episode, Adam, Jamie and the Mythbuilder team will test:
-The myth of Archimedes's steam cannon, considered the mother of the cannons.
-They'll test the myths related to cereal on an eating competition.
67. “Killer Whirlpool”
In this episode, Adam, Jamie and the Mythbuilder team will test:
-The myth that says that whirlpools can kill easily.
-They'll see what happens when you get under a snow plow.
68. “Diet Coke and Mentos”
In this episode, the MythBusters and the building team test:
-If you can cause an explosion by mixing "mentos" with soda. This myth was originated in the Internet.
-Then, the MythBuilders see if a postage stamp stuck to a helicopter's rotor blades can affect the flight and even make the vehicle crash into the ground.
69. “Shattering Subwoofer”
In this episode, the MythBusters and Mythbuilders test:
-If it's possible that a subwoofer inside a car destroys it with the vibrations caused by the sound.
-Then, they see if driving faster on a rough road makes the ride smoother.
-Finally, they test the myth that says that you can prevent your windshield from breaking if gets hit by a rock bracing the glass with the hands.
70. “Crimes and Myth-demeanors 2”
Continuation of first part.
Hollywood movies are often filled with fake and/or impossible things and it's one of the biggest myth creators of the history. Adam, Jamie and all the Mythbuilders will test some of the most important and classic Hollywood myths again to prove the people that there's nothing to be scared of.
Guest Stars: Frank Doyle as Himself
71. “Tesla's Earthquake Machine”
Adam and Jamie take on one of the greatest scientist/inventor and myth creator legends of all time, Nikolai Tesla and his Earthquake Machine. Tory and Kari investigate a lethal lava lamp.
72. “Deadly Straw”
Adam and Jamie work on creating an air shooter to recreate the highest wind speed recorded in a hurricane to test if wind can blow a piece of straw through a palm tree. Grant, Tory and Kari test the feelings of plants and eggs using a polygraph machine.
73. “Mega Movie Myths”
The Mythbusters test a variety of movie stunts, including falling onto awnings to break your fall, slicing a sword in half in a sword fight, jumping a car 175 feet through the air, and breaking a lock with a gun.
Guest Stars: Dontel Hood as Herself
74. “Killer Cable Snaps”
Can a cable at high tension slice a person clean in two when it snaps? Can ancient pottery contain sounds from the past to be played back today?
75. “Air Cylinder Rocket”
Can a cracked valve on a compressed-air cylinder actually blast the tank right through a cinder-block wall?
76. “More Myths Revisited”
Myths (re)visited:
- can a sword cut through a gun barrel
- stop a car window from breaking by holding it
- revisit the "meat missile"
- More truck gasoline efficiency tests: tailgate up, tailgate down, no tailgate, mesh tailgate or hard cover over bed
77. “Exploding Lighter”
Can a small, disposable butane lighter suddenly ignite with the force of several sticks of dynamite? And the gang tries to shoot down some popular gunslinger myths.
78. “Concrete Glider”
Can a "concrete glider" fly? And a big challenge for the Mythbusters to tackle!
79. “Firearms Folklore”
Just when you think Adam and Jamie have tested every gun legend in history, they come up with three more myths. Meantime, Kari, Grant and Tori go to great lengths to see whether mankind's first and simplest tool could be far more dangerous than you think.
80. “Anti-Gravity Device - Christmas Lights - Vodka Myths IV”
Anti-gravity is a hypothetical force that eliminates the effects of gravity on an object (as opposed to counteracting it). The MythBusters tested various devices that claimed to produce anti-gravity.
Military Grenade Myths.
Anti-Gravity Myth.
A Frontier Technology Myth.

Christmas Lights
Christmas tree fires are common during the winter holidays, and cause millions of dollars in damage annually in America alone. The MythBusters tested one hypothesis on the cause of a Christmas tree fire.

Vodka Myths IV
Vodka can......cure the pain of a jellyfish sting.

81. “Holiday Special”
Holiday myths are investigated, including whether reindeer could really help Santa fly, the best way to keep needles on the Christmas tree, and how much yodelling it takes to cause an avalanche.
82. “22,000 Foot Fall”
A World War II myth about a turret gunner who fell 22,000 feet but was cushioned by a 1000-pound bomb going off beneath him is tested. Also: Grant, Kari and Tory check a myth about conserving electricity by leaving lights on.
Guest Stars: Frank Doyle as Himself
83. “Hindenburg Mystery”
Adam and Jamie examine the Hindenburg disaster, using three replicas of the ill-fated airship to determine if chemical compounds on its exterior may have sparked the huge conflagration.
84. “Pirate Special”
Jamie and Adam investigate exactly what would happen if a pirate ship fired a broadside cannon barrage into another ship, working their way up from a small-scale cannon to a full-scale 6-pound ball.
Guest Stars: Eric O. Braun (1) as Himself | Chris Jannini as Himself | Jacque Duncan as Herself | Jessie Nelson as Himself | John Phillips (4) as Himself
85. “Underwater Car Escape”
Jaime and Adam examine the feasibility of escaping from a car that is underwater; Grant, Tory and Kari determine if it possible to fold a piece of paper in half more than seven times.
86. “Speed Cameras”
Myths and facts about speed cameras---and ways to foil them---are tested by Adam and Jamie, including license-plate protectors, avoiding the camera's field of vision, and driving really, really fast. Also: whether a defibrillator can start a fire.
Guest Stars: Frank Doyle as Himself
87. “Dog Myths”
Adam and Jamie attempt to teach a pair of untrained middle-aged Malamutes new tricks; Kari, Grant, and Tory investigate a myth about guard dogs.
88. “More Myths Reopened”
Previous program topics with contentious outcomes are revisited.
89. “Voice Flame Extinguisher”
Jamie and Adam try to put out a fire by yelling loudly at it; Kari, Tory and Grant examine four hypnosis hypotheses, including post-hypnotic suggestions and self-hypnosis.
90. “Birds in a Truck”
Adam and Jamie use Sir Isaac Newton's principle of thermodynamics and the law of conservation of momentum to test an urban myth that if birds in a truck are flying, they lighten the load. Meanwhile, Grant, Tory and Kari tests a photo they find of a speedboat impaled on a channel marker.
91. “Ninja Myths 1”
The team tests martial arts myths: running on water; and stopping a samurai sword with bare hands.
Guest Stars: Dale Seago as Himself (Ninjutsu instructor) | Robert Lee as Himself (Narrator) | Jessie Nelson as Himself
92. “Western Myths”
Adam and Jamie lay some Western myths to rest; Kari, Tory and Grant test automobile air bags.
Guest Stars: Jessie Nelson as Himself | Josh Gatkin as Himself | Robert Lee as Himself (Narrator) | J.D. Nelson as Himself
93. “Big Rig Myths”
Adam and Jamie try to find out if an exploding tire can kill; Kari, Tory and Grant check out how much fuel can be saved by drafting another car.
Guest Stars: Robert Lee as Himself
94. “Grenades and Guts”
Investigation myths involving explosions, including Hollywood heroics and hand grenades and the adverse effects on swallowing cola and candies. Also, Grant, Kari and Adam try self-hypnosis.
Guest Stars: Jacques Bergerac as Desmond (archive footage) | Frank Doyle as Himself | J.D. Nelson as Himself | Tony Shalhoub as Adrian Monk (archive footage) | Robert Lee as Himself (Narrator)
95. “Snow Special”
Snow myths are investigated, including whether yodelling or a machine gun can trigger an avalanche. Meanwhile, Kari, Tory and Grant investigate ice-driving techniques and if it is possible to freeze one's tongue on a flag pole.
96. “Baseball Myths”
New York Yankees pitcher Roger Clemens joins the gang to bust baseball myths.
Guest Stars: Roger Clemens as Himself
97. “Viewer Special”
Viewer-suggested myths are put to the test.
Guest Stars: Frank Doyle as Himself | Alan Normandy as Himself
98. “Red Flag to a Bull”
During this episode they test the following myths
*Bull in a china shop
*Bull charges red or if colour doesn't matter
*Bullets & Guns in an oven
*Bullets in a campfire
*aerosol can in a fire
*keg in a fire
Guest Stars: J.D. Nelson as Himself
99. “Superhero Hour”
The following myths are tested in this Superhero based episode leaving a ring shaped scar on someone's face testing batman's grappling gun, grappling hook shot from car at high speeds to corner
100. “MacGyver Myths”
MacGyver has always been able to get out of sticky situations using the most unorthodox objects. In this episode, our very own quick thinking heroes put some of the most well-known MacGyver strategies to the test.
101. “Myth Evolution!”
The following myths are tested in this episode ninja swatting a bullet barehanded breathing air from an underwater car tire airbag going off breaking thumbs several speed camera retests
RFID in an MRI
102. “Trail Blazers”
Adam and Jamie test flammable Hollywood myths while Kari, Grant and Tory test a myth about a defibrillator.
103. “Exploding Water Heater”
There have been many stories over the years involving an exploding water heater, so Adam and Jamie decide to get involved and test the myth once and for all. Meanwhile, the build team put some of the most common myths about blue jeans to the test, including one about a farmer's jeans catching on fire after being dragged on the ground by his horse.
104. “Shooting Fish in a Barrel”
We have heard it many times before, but is shooting fish in a barrel really that simple? Adam and Jamie decide to test this proverbial myth in order to determine the truth. Later, they test whether or not elephants are actually afraid of mice, while the build team tests several common methods of easing the pain of a hot chili burn.
105. “Pirates 2”
The team tests Pirates of the Caribbean inspired themes, as well as the course of a Sand Neck Tie.
106. “Confederate Steam Gun”
The MythBusters decide to test a myth that claimed to have taken place in the Civil War, as some believe that the confederates had created a steam gun that could shoot several hundred rounds per minute. Meanwhile, the build team works to test whether or not it's possible for people to beat a lie detector, in which they use several common strategies.
107. “Air Plane Hour”
Adam and Jamie decide to test whether or not someone with no experience can land a 747 by being instructed via a flight control tower. However, since they can't crash any actual planes, they'll have to settle with the latest flight simulator. Meanwhile, the build team tests three skydiving myths that come from the movie Point Break.
108. “James Bond Special Part 1”
Adam and Jamie decide to test two of their favourite myths from the James Bond films. First, they test whether or not Bond's magnetic watch could actually deflect bullets. Later, they test whether or not Bond could have actually jumped the levy on his boat and successfully drove away after the landing. Meanwhile, the build team investigates whether a tank of propane could explode if shot with Bond's 9MM.
109. “Lead Balloon”
The MythBusters decide to sink a lead balloon in order to put that proverbial saying to the test. They also look into whether or not dynamite can be used to help create the right conditions for surfing.
110. “Airplane on a Conveyor Belt”
Can cockroaches survive a nuclear war? It has long been claimed, but Adam and Jamie decide to finally see whether or not this common claim is true. Later, they see whether or not an airplane could get the speed to take off by rolling on a conveyor belt. Finally, they test whether or not cans of shaving cream can explode if a common prank goes awry.
Guest Stars: Justin Allen as Himself
111. “James Bond Special Part 2”
The MythBusters look into even more James Bond myths, testing whether the world's most famous secret agent could have actually done many of the things that he did.
112. “Viewer Special 2”
The MythBusters decide to put the fans in charge. In this episode, they'll test many of the new myths that the fans want to have tested, and they may also revisit some old myths if that's what the fans want.
113. “Super-Sized Myths!”
This episode features great white sharks, jet taxis, rocket cars, and cruise ship skiing.
114. “Alaska Special”
Adam and Jamie test the theory of cabin fever. Can a solitary stick of dynamite really sink a pickup parked on a frozen lake? The build team takes on the myth of car vs. moose.
115. “Shark Week”
The team looks into shark myths, including being repelled by magnets, whether dogs attract sharks, and how an injured fish thrashing can lure a shark. Also, the guys built a life sized robotic great white to test a theory of whether a man being crushed in the jaws can still gouge out the shark's eye.
116. “Exploding Steak”
Using fan suggestions, we'll test a pair of myths: Exploding Meat & Don't Drive Angry. First, a test that tenderizes a steak using explosives. Next, does a car's emissions change when a driver exhibits road rage?
117. “NASA Moon Landing”
The team looks into the Moon Landing Hoax -- did NASA really pull off the greatest hoax in history?
118. “Viral Hour”
The team looks into the credibility of Internet "viral videos."
119. “Phone Book Friction”
On this episode of Mythbusters Adam and Jamie take a fan mail film and use it to dial in on a phone book fable. And then Kari, Grant and Tory test a fishy tale of Hollywood pyrotechnics with their own big bang theories.
120. “Water Stun Gun”
On this episode of Mythbusters, Adam and Jamie investigate a secret agent myth - that you can turn a conventional electric stun gun into a water-powered electric stun gun.
121. “Blind Driving”
On this episode of Mythbusters, there are 'fore' myths to have a swing and a miss at. And the four myths couldn't be more different.
122. “Return Of The Ninja”
Ninjas and Mythbusters go together like matches and gunpowder: a marriage made in heaven. Ninjas are steeped in mythology that they've been only too happy to circulate. It's time to separate fact from fiction in the Mythbusters Ninja special 2.
123. “Alcohol Myths”
On this episode of Mythbusters, Jamie, Adam and Kari apply some science to the theory that the more you drink, the more attractive you find the opposite sex.
124. “Motorcycle Flip”
Adam and Jamie test out a myth from an Indiana Jones movie, and Kari, Grant and Tory try using tall tales for a way to escape from prison.
125. “Coffin Punch”
On this death-defying episode of MYTHBUSTERS, the whole team gets together to test myths about survival. Adam and Jamie return to one of the fans' favourite subjects -- what is bullet-proof?
126. “Idioms Special”
The Mythbuster's crew challenge the common phrases in which we utter each day by acting them out.
127. “Viewer Special Threequel”
Could a torture technique consisting of growing a bamboo through a victim's body have worked?
Does dropping alkali metals in a water-filled bathtub result in a huge explosion?
Does brandy, such as carried by Saint Bernards, really prevent hypothermia?
Does lighting a piano on fire make it explode?
128. “Demolition Derby Special”
The team test four fables which involve a demolition derby, to fulfil their need to mash some metal.
129. “Alaska Special 2”
The gang make a return trip to Alaska where they will attempt to build a boat from Pykrete and make experiments with a V-shaped snowplough.
130. “Banana Slip, Double Dip”
Jamie and Adam take on a pair of comedy myths. Meanwhile, Kari, Grant, and Tory try to make homemade diamonds and get the biggest bang at Mythbusters yet.
131. “YouTube Special!”
The gang scans the internet's YouTube as a means for finding some new myths to experiment with, including a smash web-hit about a giant ball of Lego and discover the explosive power of match heads.
132. “Swimming in Syrup”
This sticky episode of Mythbusters has the team testing a physics "thought problem." Also, a pair of 'magic bullet' myths are explored - one from TV, and from an American frontier legend.
133. “Exploding Bumper”
A pair of highly contentious which have lasted 500 years motion, from the reliable horse to the sometimes un-trusty automobile.
134. “See-Saw Saga”
The team takes on a massive and improbable myth from a fan site: a skydiver dropping to the ground because of a parachute failure and lands on a playground see-saw which sent a small girl flying upwards for seven stories.
135. “Thermite vs. Ice”
This episode of the show features these following elements: fire, ice and some really heavy metal.
136. “Prison Escape”
The team at Mythbusters will test theories concerning prison escapes, including a blast from the criminal past. So hang on because this promises to be a heck of a ride.
137. “Curving Bullets”
This episode features plenty of gunfire and sonic booms, as the gang tests a claim in which a shooter can cause the trajectory of a bullet to curve.
138. “Car vs. Rain”
Jamie and Adam test out a myth concerning a drive in the rain and a convertible. Meanwhile, the crew work on popcorn myths.
139. “Knock Your Socks Off”
It's an episode of scientific genius with punching, pummelling, and explosive action! Adam and Jamie test the classic physics textbook theory Bullet Dropped vs. Bullet Fired. Kari, Grant and Tory test if it is ever possible to knock someone's socks off.
140. “Duct Tape Hour”
The crew work on a trio of tall-tales involving the most versatile tool in your box...duct tape.
141. “Dirty vs. Clean Car”
Adam and Jamie try to discover whether you get better gas mileage with a dirty car or a clean car. Kari, Grant and Tory test old adages concerning beer, liquor and hangovers.
142. “Greased Lightning”
The crew stroll into hell's kitchen to investigate a pair of frightening potential kitchen catastrophes - plus a quirky look myth which maybe right on the nose: using cheese as cannon fodder.
143. “Hurricane Windows”
On this cold and blustery episode, Adam and Jamie bet the house on a highly contentious hurricane survival tale in "Hurricane Windows" - open or closed? Meanwhile, Kari, Grant, and Tory tackle two frigid fables involving liquid nitrogen.
144. “Crash and Burn”
Jamie and Adam test the Hollywood myth that says a car will always explode if it crashes off a cliff, while Carrie, Grant and Tory check a myth about a 400 year old rocketeer
145. “Myth Evolution 2”
In This fan favourite's episode The MythBusters take YOUR five favourite myths, water-heater rocket, car-roof cling, curving bullets, liquid nitrogen and snowplough split, and take them to the next level.
146. “Dumpster Diving”
Can a person leap from several stories into a dumpster, then be able to run away? Can a diving suit flaw force a diver's entire body into his helmet?
147. “Antacid Jail Break”
It's a felonious episode as the MythBusters see if antacids can break you out of jail, and how far a criminal can get when making a break for it in the dark.
148. “Unarmed and Unharmed”
On this episode of MythBusters Adam and Jamie return to the Old Wild West for a quick draw gun-slinging story, while Grant, Tory and Jessi hop on board the Mythbus for another manic myth from the movie Speed. Hang onto your ten-gallon hats!
149. “Hidden Nasties”
Jamie and Adam take on rat-pee contaminated cans as well as everyday items dirtier than your toilet, while Tory, Grant and Jessi take on the Cannonball Run.
150. “Mini Myth Mayhem”
The team works on six fan-requested fables.
151. “Boomerang Bullet”
Can ricochets of a bullet fired by you kill you in a closed space? And a Monty Python myth with a bouncing castle.
152. “Soda Cup Killer”
Jamie and Adam explore whether a cup of soda thrown from a moving car can kill the driver of a car travelling in the opposite direction, while Jessi, Tory and Grant test if it's possible to hang onto a ledge with only fingertips.
153. “Dive to Survive”
Adam and Jamie explore whether diving underwater will protect you from an explosion shock wave, while Kari, Tory and Grant see whether phonebooks can be used to bulletproof a car.
154. “Spy Car Escape”
Adam and Jamie experiment with different ways to lose a tail in a car chase, as Kari, Grant and Tory explore whether an object fired backward from a vehicle moving forward will simply will fall to the ground.
155. “Bottle Bash”
Adam and Jamie get feisty with a bar fight fable; Kari, Grant and Tory investigate a ballistic material mystery from history.
156. “No Pain, No Gain”
Are some types of people (women, for example) more tolerant to pain? Then see if a BBQ propane tank can heat up enough in a fire to launch through a garage roof like a rocket.
157. “Mythission Control”
On this Episode of MythBusters the fans take command in Mythssion Control. First up its Hyneman vs Newton. Then - Kari, Grant and Tory are back in the school of hard knocks, as they retest knock your socks off.
158. “Duct Tape Hour 2”
In this second Duct Tape stick-tacular, Adam and Jamie set up a challenge that will take the tape's strength, adhesion and load-bearing capability to the absolute limit. Meanwhile Kari, Grant and Tory are all wrapped up busting duct tape automotive myths.
159. “Waterslide Wipe-out”
On this wet and wild episode, Adam and Jamie tackle the biggest, dirtiest, most vertigo inducing build in MythBusters history while Kari, Tory and Grant deliver the goods, to find out if taking only right turns can save you gas.
160. “Fireball Stun Gun”
It's another feature length episode of Mythbusters and this time the team are on a mission to mash metal. In this 'Demolition Derby' the team have four fables of automotive mayhem guaranteed to bend your fender.
161. “Flu Fiction”
On this frightening episode of MythBusters, you'll want to duck for cover as the team tests myths that will make you afraid. Very afraid. Jamie, Adam, Kari, Grant and Tory take on snot, sneezes and decapitation by tornado.
162. “Top 25 Best Busted Myths”
On this unique episode of MythBusters, Adam, Jamie, Kari, Tory and Grant get all nostalgic with a look back at their top 25 most celebrated MythBusters moments.

Featuring: Scottie Chapman as Herself | Jessi Combs as Herself | Jessie Nelson as Himself
163. “Car Conundrum”
This was a recut of previously tested car-related myths from different episodes. The myths are...

Underwater Car from the episode "Underwater Car", which originally aired January 24, 2007

Hollywood Crash Test from the episode "Demolition Derby Special, which originally aired April 8, 2009

Car Remote Capers from the episode "Viewers' Special", which originally aired August 15, 2007
164. “Buster's Cut Alcohol Myths”
This is a "Buster's Cut" of the episode "Alcohol Myths", which originally aired October 22, 2008.
165. “Buster's Cut Bottle Bash”
This is a "Buster's Cut" of the episode "Bottle Bash", which originally aired April 14, 2010.
166. “Hair of the Dog”
Can a sniffer dog be thrown off the scent using household items?
167. “Storm Chasing Myths”
Adam and Jamie put tornadoes to the test with the help of Discovery's very own STORM CHASERS, Reed Timmer and Sean Casey.

Guest Stars: Reed Timmer as Himself | Sean C. Casey as Himself
168. “Cold Feet”
If the "poop hits the fan," does everyone get covered in the ensuing chaos? When you "get cold feet", do your feet really get cold?
169. “Table Cloth Chaos”
Can a motorcycle pull a tablecloth out from under a setting for a banquet?

Do humans really only use 10% of their brain?
170. “Arrow Machine Gun”
Did the Greeks create an arrow machine gun that offered the speed, distance and precision that modern machine guns do?

Is driving while tired as bad as, or worse than, driving while tipsy?
171. “Mini Myth Madness”
Could your laptop save you from a speeding bullet? Is it easy to take candy from a baby?
172. “Reverse Engineering”
Jamie and Adam test whether a '70s sport car is as aerodynamic backward as forward, while Grant, Tory and Kari take a surfboard scene from Lethal Weapon 2 to task.
173. “Inverted Underwater Car”
Adams attempts to escape from an upside-down underwater car, while Kari, Grant and Tory take on "Kiss the Girls."
174. “Bug Special”
Can a collision with a bug kill a biker?
Can bees really lift a laptop?
Does water repel flies?
175. “President's Challenge”
President Obama challenges Jamie and Adam to retest the Archimedes Death Ray myth again, while Kari, Grant and Tory take on "Hellboy."

Guest Stars: Barack Obama as Himself
176. “Green Hornet Special”
Seth Rogen joins the MythBusters for two blockbusting stories from his film, The Green Hornet: Elevator Car Cut and Explosive Escape.

Guest Stars: Seth Rogen as Himself
177. “Operation Valkyrie”
Adam and Jamie test the merits of a famous assassination attempt; Kari, Grant and Tory test "slapping some sense" into someone.

Guest Stars: Frank Doyle as Himself | J.D. Nelson as Himself
178. “Mission Impossible Face Off”
Can realistic facial masks be used to thwart airport security? Is a bullet enough to spin a merry-go-round?
179. “Blue Ice”
Jamie and Adam take on an explosive scene from Bourne Supremacy, while Kari, Grant and Tory test a tale about human waste falling from the sky.
180. “Running on Water”
Adam and Jamie take on a viral video, while Kari, Grant, and Tory explore which common items can be bombproof.
181. “Bubble Trouble”
The MythBusters see whether it's possible to stay afloat in bubbly water, and whether an arrow packed with explosives can split a tree in two.
182. “Torpedo Tastic”
Did the world's first torpedo really strike a boat with a deadly payload at 800 feet? Can corks in wine bottles be turned into projectiles if exposed to enough pressure?
183. “Blow Your Own Sail”
Adam and Jamie put Hollywood sound effects up against reality, and Kari, Grant and Tory find out if you are adrift on a sailboat with no wind, can you propel your boat with a fan?
184. “Spy Car The Revenge”
Can you really shoot accurately with guns mounted on the hood of a car? Will a bullet just spin if shot at a frozen lake?
185. “Dodge a Bullet”
Adam and Jamie test if you can jump out of the way of a bullet, while Kari, Grant and Tory find out if hitting the water is just like hitting pavement after a fall
186. “Fixing a Flat”
How do you fix a flat when you don't have a spare tire? Can a fast fish cause your reel to catch fire?
187. “Planes, Trains & Automobiles”
The MythBusters count down -- and give you an insight into -- their favourite transportation moments.
188. “Let There Be Light”
Jamie and Adam take on "The Mummy", while Kari, Grant and Tory try to stop an out-of-control car with another car
189. “Paper Armour”
Adam and Jamie explore the physics of shock waves in water, while Kari, Grant and Tory find out if paper battle armour can compare to steel.
190. “Bikes and Bazookas”
Adam and Jamie test the myth that a motorcycle is a greener and cleaner machine than a car, while Kari, Tory, and Grant unleash the first RPG in MythBusters history to see if a bullet could take out a bazooka.
191. “Newton's Crane Cradle”
A super-sized Newton's cradle featured in a viral video is scrutinized; a scenario from Hollywood in which a bird helps send a car off a cliff is tested.
192. “Walk a Straight Line”
Is it impossible for humans to walk in a straight line without a visual point of reference, such as when they're blindfolded? Will binary explosives, well, explode in the case of a fender bender? The MythBusters are on the case.
193. “Duct Tape Plane”
Adam and Jamie test three viral videos featuring the extraordinary excavator: Can it really row a barge? Be used to go wakeboarding? Perform seemingly impossible feats of acrobatics? Then -- using only duct tape -- Kari, Grant, and Tory attempt to patch up a plane that's had an unfortunate encounter with a bear.
194. “Flying Guillotine”
Jamie and Adam explore whether it's safe to use the explosive C4 as a cooking fuel as long as you don't drop anything on it, while Kari, Grant, and Tory put a Chinese martial-arts myth to the test.
195. “Drain Disaster”
Find out whether a sewer drain full of combustible gas, when ignited, will turn an innocent manhole cover into a missile, and whether truck bedliners are truly bite, crash, and bomb proof.
196. “Location, Location, Location”
From Alameda to Africa, from the desert to the deep blue sea, the MythBusters declassify their top destinations and reveal all kinds of inside scoop, from quarry-bans to unplanned myth busts.
197. “Wet and Wild”
When it comes to H2O, the MythBusters are never shy of putting their bodies on the line, riding the world's biggest waterslide, deep-sea diving in a suit of armour and swimming in syrup. Go behind the scenes of the 12 wettest myths of all time.
198. “Wheel of Mythfortune”
By spinning the Wheel of Mythfortune, the MythBusters find themselves taking on five random viewer-suggested myths with titles like the Monty Hall Paradox, Lumber Car, Firearm Fashion, Hit the Deck and Flaming Tire. Keep those ideas coming!
199. “Toilet Bomb”
Adam and Jamie take on a bathroom bomb; testing out if a flying V works for planes as well as it does for birds.
200. “Duct Tape Island”
Abandoned on a Hawaiian island, Jamie and Adam find themselves armed with nothing but the sticky silver adhesive. Can they use it to source water, find food, build shelter, and even escape?
201. “Fire vs Ice”
Adam and Jamie tackle an internet sensation about an epic duel between a flamethrower and a CO2 fire extinguisher, while Kari, Grant and Tory test if you can spy drone with a dust cloud and pull off a kidnapping as seen in the movie Body of Lies.
202. “Square Wheels”
Adam and Jamie reinvent the wheel, while in Date Night Car, Tory, Kari and Grant tackle a tandem driving myth from the movie Date Night.
203. “Swinging Pirates”
The Hyneman and Captain Redbeard take a swing at a Pirates of the Caribbean myth, while Kari, Tory and Grant roll out the barrel for a turbo-charged go-cart.
204. “Battle of the Sexes”
Men vs. women in the ultimate battle of the sexes as the team tests five gender-based cliches.
205. “Driving In Heels”
Spike heels and platforms may be the height of fashion, but does fancy footwear put you at risk on the road? Don't miss Jamie and Adam's attempt to find out. Then, in Super Glue Heroics, Tory, Grant and Kari test whether it's possible to glue a roomful of furniture to a hotel-room ceiling as well as to substitute super glue for a seat-belt in a head-on car crash.
206. “Revenge of the Myth”
The MythBusters take fan-favourite myths - including Bird Balance, Exploding Water Heater, Fireworks Man and Viral Excavator - to another level in the ultimate experimental ramp-up.
207. “Bouncing Bullet”
Adam and Jamie take aim at a ricochet myth from the TV show Burn Notice while Kari, Tory and Grant test the Hollywood myth that if you jump when running away from an explosion, you can surf the shockwave.
208. “Mailbag Special”
This fan-correspondence catch-up includes both question-answering and taking mini-myth requests such as whether you can eat a spoonful of cinnamon without drinking water.
209. “Bubble Pack Plunge”
Adam and Jamie determine if a person wrapped in bubble packaging could survive a fall from a building. Also: Ejection-seat experiments are conducted.
210. “Duel Dilemmas”
Adam and Jamie test an old duelling myth - should you really never bring a knife to a gunfight? Kari, Grant, and Tory find out if a two-stage missile known as the fire-breathing dragon ever really existed.
211. “Hollywood Gunslingers”
Experiments with firearms are conducted to see if eight scenarios from Hollywood are plausible. Included: silver bullets; nail guns.
212. “Jawsome Shark Special”
Twenty-five shark myths are put to the test.
213. “Titanic Survival”
Adam and Jamie team up with Titanic movie director James Cameron to tackle the most requested myth in MythBuster history, while Kari, Grant and Tory ride a rocket-powered surfboard.
214. “Trench Torpedo”
A shock-wave test is conducted; a balloon myth is tested.
215. “Hail Hijinks”
A rope-bridge myth inspired by "Cliffhanger" is examined; Kari, Grant and Tory determine if hail can sink a fishing boat.
216. “Halloween Special”
A sound-frequency test is conducted; Kari, Grant and Tory determine if the smell of fear exists.
217. “Mini Myth Medley”
The team mixes it up with a medley of viewer requested myths and hit a home run with baseball legend Matt Cain. The guys test an underwater bike ride, if you really can 'know it like the back of your hand,' and the potty dance.
218. “Cannonball Chemistry”
A mattress myth is examined; Kari, Tory and Grant conduct a cannonball test.
219. “Food Fables”
Chef Alton Brown examines myths involving lasagne with Adam and Jamie while Kari, Tory and Grant conduct a tryptophan test.
220. “Explosions A to Z”
Kari, Grant, Tory, Adam and Jamie look back at some of their favourite explosions from the series.
221. “JATO Rocket Car: Mission Accomplished?”
MythBusters' 10th anniversary kicks off with a blast from the past, the myth that began the busting: JATO Rocket Car. Back with more rocket power, more gadgets, and a huge rolling bunker called The Beast, will the team bust this myth once and for all?
222. “Deadliest Catch Crabtastic Special”
"Deadliest Catch" captains Johnathan Hillstrand and Scott Campbell Jr. join the team as they examine myths involving crab pots.
223. “Down and Dirty - Earthquake Survival”
Is a bathroom's hand dryer better than a paper towel?
Which public restroom stall is the cleanest?
Is better to stand in the doorway during an earthquake?
224. “Indy Car Special”
Can man beat machine in a 30-ft, standing-start sprint?
Can a driver lose 10 lbs during a race?
Can the suction created by a speeding car rip loose a manhole cover during a street race?
225. “Battle of the Sexes - Round 2”
Will lost men really not stop and ask for directions? Are women better multi-taskers?
Are women better at parallel parking?
And should "throwing like a girl" really be an insult?
226. “Motorcycle Water Ski”
Jamie's life is on the line as they test a myth where a motorcycle is able to drive on a lake a freeway speeds. They also test the myth where you can survive from falling off a high-rise building with a parachute using only the contents of a hotel room.
227. “Hypermiling - Crash Cushion”
Could a man sandwiched between two big men in the backseat of a car survive the car being T-boned by a truck, as seen in Headhunters?

Can hypermiling techniques really double your car's fuel efficiency?
228. “Duct Tape Canyon”
Can Adam and Jamie cross the canyon and reach civilization using only basic supplies, duct tape, and bubble wrap?
Note: This is a special episode. It was used to promote Skywire Live.
229. “Painting with Explosives - Bifurcated Boat”
Can Adam's Snowflake or Jamie's death sphere paint a room with a boom?
Can a bifurcated boat be split in two by a channel marker?
230. “Breaking Bad Special”
Can concentrated hydrofluoric acid in a bathtub completely dissolve a human body, create a hole through the tub, and dissolve the bathroom floor below it?

Can a chunk of solid mercury fulminate thrown on the ground explode, kill or injure bystanders, and break nearby windows, all without injuring the thrower?

Note: Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan and actor Aaron Paul make a guest appearance.
231. “Zombie Special”
Is an axe or a gun more effective when you are swarmed by zombies?
Can the force of many people bust down a door?
Can you outrun, or outsmart, a horde of zombies?
Note: The Walking Dead??'?s Michael Rooker guest stars in this episode.
232. “Star Wars: Revenge of the Myth”
Could Luke have safely swung across the chasm in the Death Star while carrying Princess Leia?
Would the Ewoks' swinging-log trap have destroyed an Imperial walker?
Would a Tauntaun carcass have kept Luke from freezing to death on the cold climate of Hoth?
Guest Stars: Sophia Bush as Princess Leia
233. “Moonshiner Myths”
Can a moonshine still explode and destroy the shack it is hidden in?
Can a car fueled by moonshine run as well as one running on gasoline?
234. “Hollywood Car Crash Cliches”
It's wall-to-wall automotive mayhem, as the MythBusters drive through glass, plough through traffic, and fire an RPG at an SUV to take aim at classic Hollywood crash cliches.
235. “Car Chase Chaos - Animal Antics”
Can you share the task driving, change places while driving, or push the driver out while moving at regular speed?
Can you prevent cats from defecating in your garden?
What methods work best to repel snakes?
What methods work best to deter bears?
236. “Do Try This At Home”
Some myths are tested, that MIGHT be safe enough for home-viewers to also try!
1) Which is better for plants, Tap water, bottled water, or microwaved water.
2) If your boat is on fire, can it be put out by another, going very fast and close to cause a huge splash?
3) Do metronomes synchronize themselves? How? Will a large group of them do it?
4) How does a "ball-chain" pour out of a cup, uphill?
5) Can you make super-expanding foam (called "elephant toothpaste" using household chemicals?
6) Can you use household chemicals to duplicate the fireworks "growing black snake"?
7) Can you connect a water hose to a music speaker to make the pouring water appear to be standing still?
8) How dangerous are dry-ice bombs?
237. “Mythssion Impossible”
Can you herd cats?
Can you catch a greased pig?
Can you stuff 10 pounds of feces into a 5-pound bag?
238. “Bullet Baloney”
The MythBusters take on five filmic firearm cliches: Will a bent-barrelled shot gun fire? Can you fire a gun in space? Will a gun dropped in a deep fryer go off? What weird items will stop a bullet? And does a neon sign really explode when hit by a bullet?
239. “Supersonic Ping Pong - Ice Cannon”
Can a ping-pong ball inflict a lethal injury if it flies fast enough?
Can a cannon and cannonballs made from ice be a reliable weapon?
240. “Fire in the Hole”
The MythBusters tackle some of Hollywood's favourite explosive scenarios. Could a hero really shoot a live grenade in mid-air and thus render it useless? Could you really contain a TNT explosion inside an ordinary object like a file cabinet or aquarium?
241. “Household Disasters”
The MythBusters test household myths: Could a vacuum cleaner explode while sucking up black powder? Could sunscreen scorch your skin? Could a piano crash through your roof? And finally could an exploding water heater extinguish a house fire?
242. “Commercial Myths”
The MythBusters go to vertigo-inducing heights to test: Could you bob for an apple when jumping from a 100-foot high bungee cord? And from a viral video, could you really play a match of tennis while both players are standing on top of an airplane's wing?
243. “Sliver Screen Car Chaos”
When two cars try and knock each off the road does it always result in a long and difficult fender-bending duel?
Is the silver screen trick of tipping up on to two wheels and driving sideways as easy as it seems?
Can a Corvette be used as a ramp to flip into a barrel roll as in the movie Wanted?
244. “Laws of Attraction”
The MythBusters use sexy science to tackle five captivating cliches about the laws of attraction, including whether men really do prefer blondes, if pheromone sprays really work, if bigger boobs equal bigger tips, and whether a man's wealth really woos women.
245. “Traffic Tricks”
The MythBusters tackle congestion questions: testing shockwave jams, if a roundabout is better than a 4-way stop sign, if it's faster to drive than fly when your trip is under 400 miles, and if it's better to change lanes or stay put in heavy traffic.
246. “Plane Boarding - Bite the Bullet”
Is the method used for boarding planes by most airlines inefficient?
Can you make an untraceable bullet out of teeth?
Note: This episode marked the final appearance of Kari Byron, Grant Imahara, and Tory Belleci on the US schedule. This is the last episode to use the 2006 opening sequence and The Dandy Warhols arrangement of the theme music.
247. “The Simpsons Special”
D'oh! Adam and Jamie are tackling the greatest animated TV series of all time. Along for the ride is special guest Al Jean, executive producer and show runner of iconic show, The Simpsons.
248. “The Busters of the Lost Myths”
Hold onto your iconic hats--the MythBusters put the legendary Indiana Jones and his hijinks to the test!
249. “The A-Team Special”
Adam and Jamie scrutinize "The A-Team."
250. “Video Games Special”
Adam and Jamie challenge the science of virtual worlds from video games.
251. “Transformers”
Can a car be changed into a motorcycle?

Can a bicycle be modified to operate on both land and water?
252. “San Francisco Drift”
Can you turn a corner faster by drifting than with conventional driving methods?

Can you drift into a parallel parking space without hitting the adjacent cars or the curb?
253. “Blow It Out the Water”
Can a boat be blown out of the water without destroying it?

Is it possible to mount a remote-controlled machine gun in a car trunk and use it to kill a roomful of people from outside a house, as seen in the finale of Breaking Bad?
254. “Flights of Fantasy”
Is the Lockheed U-2 really harder to fly and land safely than any other plane currently in use?

Can a drone's propellers injure a person?
255. “Accidental Ammo”
Can a stone shot from a lawn mower have the same force as a bullet shot from a .357 Magnum?

Can a pane of glass falling cut a person fully in half?
256. “Dangerous Driving”
Is talking on the phone using hands-free technology when driving equally as distracting as holding the phone in the hand?

Is it easy to drive a vehicle in reverse at high speed?
257. “Supernatural Shooters”
Can a hitman shoot a target through a wall by tracking its movements?

Can you effectively fire bullets from between your fingers by putting your hand in a fire as seen in Shoot 'Em Up?
258. “Unfinished Business”
Can a video game that simulates a skill lead to real-world improvement in that skill?

Are hollow road spikes more effective in stopping a car than solid ones?

Is it difficult to hold on to a live grenade once the pin is pulled?

Can you fire and reload a pistol as quickly as in a Hollywood action movie?
259. “MythBusters vs. Jaws”
The myth "Exploding Scuba Tank" is revisited.

Will the sound of orcas drive sharks away?

Will the smell of a dead shark drive live ones away?
260. “Star Wars: The Myths Strike Back”
Is it possible for people to dive out of the way of incoming Stormtrooper shots?

Does a combatant on the higher ground have a significant advantage over his opposition?
The Final Season.
261. “MythBusters Revealed”
A behind-the-scenes look at the production of the final season, with clips of myths from upcoming episodes.
262. “The Explosion Special”
Can a load of wet cement prevent a bomb in a mail truck from injuring bystanders or destroying the truck?
Can you safely cross a minefield in a hovercraft?
263. “Tanker Crush”
Will a steam-filled railroad tank car collapse in on itself as it cools?
264. “Cooking Chaos”
Can you instantly cook shrimp by firing them through clouds of flour, eggs, bread crumbs, and fire?
Can you use an underwater explosion to juice the inside of a fruit without damaging the skin?
265. “Driven to Destruction”
Can you flatten a car with explosives?
Can you use a household vacuum cleaner to lift a car?
266. “Volunteer Special”
The myth "Axe vs. Gun" is revisited.
Can checkout wait times in a store be reduced by routing customers to the first available register instead of letting them choose their own?
267. “Failure Is Not an Option!”
Is drifting faster than regular driving on a dirt road? (Revisit of: Drift Turn)
Can a metal cigarette lighter stop a bullet? (Revisit of: What is Bulletproof?)
Can a full fishtank stop a shotgun blast?
Can you survive two identical, simultaneous explosions by standing halfway between them?
268. “Rocketman”
Can gummy bears and feces be used as alternative rocket fuels?
269. “Reddit Special”
Will a flatus show up on a thermal imaging camera?
Can you survive a fall from a chopper by climbing into a zorb ball?
Is it really easy to punch your way out of a paper bag?
270. “Grand Finale”
Adam and Jamie end the show with two grand explosions, a dedication to Buster, and the destruction of past props using a truck ram.
271. “MythBusters Reunion”
Adam and Jamie invite Grant, Tory, and Kari back to reflect on the history of the show and what it meant to them.
272. “Duct Tape: The Reunion”
Can you build a working trebuchet held together only by duct tape?
Can a seat belt made from duct tape save your life in a car crash?
01. “Super Power Tech”
The team tests the viability of various superpowers such as mind control and human flight.
02. “Jailbreak”
The team compares different prison breaks including the escape of Pascal Payet and El Chapo; Tory replicates the escape of the Strelzyk and Wetzel families, who on September 16, 1979, escaped from East Germany to West Germany in a homemade hot air balloon
03. “Crazy WW2 Weapons”
The trio explore experimental weapons in World War 2, including bombs attached to bats and feeding Adolf Hitler estrogen. Kari tries to build a jet propulsion platform meant to allow for the rapid airdrop of heavy weapons.
04. “Scam Artists”
The team talk about a number of famous Scam Artists such as Victor Lustig AKA the man who sold the Eiffel Tower twice and the man that created the ponzi scheme.
05. “Heist!”
The team talk about a number of famous heists, including the Hatton Garden safe deposit burglary.
06. “May G Force Be with You”
The hosts measure g-forces in various contexts to find the most extreme, measuring g forces experienced from jousting to roller coasters to race cars.
07. “Tech We Love to Hate”
The team find the most annoying tech between, machine voice interaction, repeated stop lights in cities, drones, printers constantly failing, and the constant nagging of too smart tech.
08. “Where's My Hoverboard?”
The team investigates the promised tech of the past, including hoverboards, jet packs, holograms, X-ray glasses, bionic body parts, and dermal regeneration.
09. “Invented Before Its Time?”
Was the tech we have today invented long before its assumed creation? The hosts investigate proposed precursors of the mobile phone, GIF, car navigation, the portable music player, selfie stick, and music streaming services.
10. “Speed Freaks”
Exceptional feats of speed. The hosts look at the speed of RC cars, speed skiing, fastest human, electric car, speed skydiving, and the SR-71 Blackbird spy plane.
001. “Adam Savage's Scratch-Built Spaceship!”
002. “Adam Savage's Mortal Engines Hand Cannon!”
003. “Adam Savage's NASA Spacesuit Helmet!”
004. “Adam Savage's Eric Idle's Guitar Case!”
005. “Adam Savage's Kit-Bashing and Scratch-Building!”
006. “Adam Savage's Overengineered Bottle Opener!”
007. “Adam Savage's Kit-Bashing a Robot!”
008. “Adam Savage's The First Spacesuit!”
009. “Adam Savage's Everyday Carry Bag!”
010. “Adam Savage's 1000 Shot NERF Blaster!”
011. “Adam Savage's Custom NERF Rifle”
012. “Adam Savage's Snub-Nosed Blade Runner Blasters!”
013. “Adam Savage's Custom Workbench LED Lamp!”
014. “Adam Savage's Foam Ringwraith Gauntlet!”
015. “Finishing my ADAM SAVAGE Collaboration! Painting the FOAM RINGWRAITH Gauntlet”
016. “Adam Savage's Blade Runner 2049 Binoculars!”
017. “Adam Savage's Maker Tour - Making a Wooden Bowl”
018. “Adam Savage's Cave Bathroom Upgrade”
019. “Adam Savage's Foam Cosplay Sword!”
020. “Adam Savage's Excalibur Sword!”
021. “Adam Savage's A Better Tape Dispenser!”
022. “Adam Savage's Chewbacca's Bandolier!”
023. “Adam Savage's Chewbacca and C-3PO!”
024. “Adam Savage's Ping Pong Machine Gun!”
025. “Adam Savage's Vsauce Glasses Hack!”
026. “Adam Savage's Pedal-Powered Strandbeest!”
027. “Adam Savage's NASA Spacesuit Parts!”
028. “Adam Savage's Totoro Costume!”
029. “Adam Savage's Bear Costume!”
030. “Adam Savage's Kylo Ren's Costume Gorget!”
031. “Adam Savage's Iron Giant Bolt!”
032. “Adam Savage's Foamcore House!”
033. “Adam Savage's LEGO Sisyphus Automata!”
034. “Adam Savage and Simone Giertz Make a Popcorn Machine!”
035. “Adam Savage's Filing the Files”
036. “Adam Savage's Hellboy Sword!”
037. “Adam Savage's Puppy Car Seat!”
038. “Adam Savage's Making a Puppet!”
039. “Adam Savage's Ultimate Duck Army”
040. “Adam Savage Improves a Cat Exercise Wheel”
041. “Adam Savage's Star Trek Captain's Chair”
042. “Adam Savage's Cylon Models with Battlestar Galactica's Aaron Douglas!”
043. “Adam Savage's Overlook Hotel Maze Model”
044. “Adam Savage's Cosmonaut Model Kit”
045. “Adam Savage's Barbarella's Space Rifle”
046. “Adam Savage's Custom Multi-Tool Belt Holster”
047. “Customizing Adam's Hero Sword”
048. “Adam Savage's Traveling Beaver Box”
049. “Adam Savage's Han Solo's DL-44 Blaster”
050. “Adam Savage's Strandbeest Model Kit”
051. “Adam Savage Demonstrates Weathering Tricks”
052. “Adam Savage Makes Something Wonderful from Scratch”
053. “Adam Savage's Swordmaking at Weta Workshop!”
054. “Adam Savage's Week at Weta Workshop, Part 1”
055. “Adam Savage's Week at Weta Workshop, Part 2”
056. “Adam Savage's Week at Weta Workshop, Part 3”
057. “Adam Savage's Week at Weta Workshop, Part 4”
058. “Adam Savage's Week at Weta Workshop, Part 5”
059. “Adam Savage's Week at Weta Workshop, Part 6”
060. “Adam Savage presents 'A Farewell to Arms'”
061. “2001 - A Space Odyssey Moon-Watcher and Bone Replica!”
062. “Adam Savage Builds a Mini Tabletop Bandsaw!”
063. “Adam Savage Cosplays the Outbreak Hazmat Suit!”
064. “Adam Savage Finishes Sorting His LEGO Collection!”
065. “Adam Savage Reviews Bandai's 1-144 Saturn V Model Set!”
066. “Adam Savage Reviews Sideshow's Life-Size Baby Yoda Figure!”
067. “Adam Savage Reviews Simone Giertz's Every Day Calendar!”
068. “Adam Savage's Airplane Cockpit Prop for MythBusters!”
069. “Adam Savage's Alien Covenant Spacesuit Helmet!”
070. “Adam Savage's Apollo A7L Spacesuit Upgrade!”
071. “Inside Adam Savage's Cave - Gods of Egypt Stunt Weapons!”
072. “Adam Savage's Cave Loft Tour!”
073. “Adam Savage's Custom Ginger Beer Bottle!”
074. “Adam Savage's Distortion Helmet!”
075. “Adam Savage's Favorite High-Power LED Flashlight!”
076. “Adam Savage's Favorite Things of 2020!”
077. “Adam Savage's ILM Modelshop Greeblie!”
078. “Adam Savage's Kill Bill Bride Sword Replica!”
079. “Adam Savage's Leather Aragorn Vambraces!”
080. “Adam Savage's Live Builds KiwiCo Ukulele Kit!”
081. “Adam Savage's Live Builds LEGO Rickshaw”
082. “Adam Savage's Magnolia Frog Props!”
083. “Adam Savage's Mercury Space Capsule Cockpit Replica!”
084. “Adam Savage's Miniature Model from A.I. Artificial Intelligence!”
085. “Adam Savage's New Custom Workbench!”
086. “Adam Savage's New Machining Parallels!”
087. “Adam Savage's New Tiny Parts Sorter and Storage!”
088. “Adam Savage's Octopus Cane!”
089. “Adam Savage's - Air Tools Sorting Boxes!”
090. “Adam Savage's - Baby Yoda Mod and Repaint!”
091. “Adam Savage's - Brass Watering Can!”
092. “Adam Savage's - Car Seat Dog Bed!”
093. “Adam Savage's - Chewbacca's Bowcaster!”
094. “Adam Savage's - Custom Pistol Whip Controller!”
095. “Adam Savage's - Custom Workshop Apron!”
096. “Adam Savage's - Drafting Tools Sorting Drawer!”
097. “Adam Savage's - Drill Press Modification!”
098. “Adam Savage's - Fiber Optic Microscope Ring Light!”
099. “Adam Savage's - Foam Prop Safe!”
100. “Adam Savage's - Front Porch Table!”
101. “Adam Savage's - Ghostbusters Ecto Goggles + Vacuum Former Rebuild!”
102. “Adam Savage's Live Builds Ghostbusters Ecto-1 Kit (Part 1)”
103. “Adam Savage's Live Builds Ghostbusters Ecto-1 Kit (Part 2)”
104. “Adam Savage's Live Builds Ghostbusters Ecto-1 Kit (Part 3)”
105. “Adam Savage's Live Builds Ghostbusters Ecto-1 Kit (Part 4)”
106. “Adam Savage Paints and Weathers the Ghostbusters Ecto-1 Model Kit!”
107. “Adam Savage's Live Builds Ghostbusters Ecto-1 Kit (Part 5)”
108. “Adam Savage's - Giant Nut and Bolt!”
109. “Adam Savage's - Giant Swiss Army Knife Repair!”
110. “Adam Savage's - Han Solo's Holster Belt!”
111. “Adam Savage's - Headphone Rack!”
112. “Adam Savage's - Hellboy Samaritan Bandolier!”
113. “Adam Savage's - Hellboy Samaritan Carrying Case!”
114. “Adam Savage's - Hellboy Samaritan Full Teardown!”
115. “Adam Savage's - Hellboy Samaritan Storage Display!”
116. “Adam Savage's - Hellboy's Samaritan Prop!”
117. “Adam Savage's - Hellboy's Samaritan Prop, Part 2!”
118. “Adam Savage's - Hellboy's Samaritan Prop, Part 3!”
119. “Adam Savage's - Hellboy's Samaritan Prop, Part 4!”
120. “Adam Savage's - How to Build a $5 Sword!”
121. “Adam Savage's - How to Make an Apple Box!”
122. “Adam Savage's - Iron Man Mark 1 Armor!”
123. “Adam Savage's - Iron Man Armor Stand!”
124. “Adam Savage's - Lathe Chuck Rolling Rack!”
125. “Adam Savage's - Lathe Tailstock Repair!”
126. “Adam Savage's - LEGO Mandalorian Razor Crest!”
127. “Adam Savage's - Letter Stamp Holder!”
128. “Adam Savage's - Luke's Lightsaber!”
129. “Adam Savage's - Machinist Tool Drawers!”
130. “Adam Savage's - Making a Stable Workbench!”
131. “Adam Savage's - Mini Chop Saw!”
132. “Adam Savage's - Mini Machine Vise!”
133. “Adam Savage's - Miniature Shipping Container!”
134. “Adam Savage's - New Cut and Sew Station!”
135. “Adam Savage's - Planer and Spindle Sander Station!”
136. “Adam Savage's - Portable Audio Recorder Rig!”
137. “Adam Savage's - Restoring a Fabric Chair!”
138. “Adam Savage's - Rhombic Dodecahedron with Matt Parker!”
139. “Adam Savage's - Spacesuit Display Stand!”
140. “Adam Savage's - Staple Sorter and Organizer!”
141. “Adam Savage's - Stitching Pony Clamp!”
142. “Adam Savage's - Table Saw Fence Upgrade!”
143. “Inside Adam Savage's Cave - Ghost in the Shell Props!”
144. “Adam Savage's - Thread Tapping Guide Block!”
145. “Adam Savage's - Tintype Photo Clamp for Gary Oldman!”
146. “Adam Savage's - Upgrading Captain America Shield!”
147. “Adam Savage's Captain America Stealth Suit!”
148. “Adam Savage's - Wookiee Feet!”
149. “Adam Savage's - Workshop Filming Slate!”
150. “Adam Savage's Pet Dragon Puppet!”
151. “Adam Savage's Very First Lightsaber Prop Replica!”
152. “Adam Savage's Workshop Office Door Build!”
153. “Ask Adam Savage 'Do You Lament Being a Generalist?'”
154. “Ask Adam Savage First Thought When Jamie Asked Me on Board”
155. “Ask Adam Savage Researching and Recommending Tools”
156. “Inside Adam Savage's Cave - Alien Nostromo Crew Wings!”
157. “Inside Adam Savage's Cave - Awesome Tengu Masks!”
158. “Inside Adam Savage's Cave - Chronicles of Narnia Sword!”
159. “Inside Adam Savage's Cave - LED Space Helmet!”
160. “Inside Adam Savage's Cave - LEGO Minifig Blade Runner Blaster!”
161. “Inside Adam Savage's Cave - Spilled Sortimo Storage Box Sorting!”
162. “Life-Size Mercury Space Capsule Cockpit Poster!”
163. “Live Q&A and ACES Helmet Show and Tell with Adam Savage (June 9, 2020)”
164. “Live Q&A and Sword Prop Show and Tell with Adam Savage (June 23, 2020)”
165. “The Story of Adam Savage's Contradictory Wall Sign!”
166. “What's Inside Adam Savage's Hip Pack!”
167. “Adam Savage's Live Builds LEGO Orca Fishing Boat (from Jaws!)”
168. “Adam Savage Builds a LEGO Sorting and Storage System!”
169. “Adam Savage's Giant Music Player Prop!”
170. “Adam Savage's - NASA Retro-Reflector Replica!”
171. “Adam Savage's Sculpture of a Mechanical Hand!”
172. “Adam Savage's - Repairing Vintage Aviators!”
173. “Adam Savage's Live Builds Weathering a Thermal Detonator Kit!”
174. “Adam Savage's - Thermal Detonator Kit!”
175. “Adam Savage's - Movie Sword Rack!”
176. “Adam Savage's 'Cabin Fever' Coat Hanger Sculpture!”
177. “Adam Savage's - Tweaking the Table Saw!”
178. “Adam Savage's - Little Thwacker Hammer!”
179. “Adam Savage's Original Matrix Lightning Gun!”
180. “Adam Savage Answers Your Questions! (04-07-20)”
181. “Adam Savage Answers Your Questions! (04-21-20)”
182. “Adam Savage's Favorite Tools - Multi-Blade Utility Knife!”
183. “Adam Savage's Favorite Tools Glass-Cutting Rotary Bit”
184. “Adam Savage's Favorite Tools - Precision Rotary Tool!”
185. “Adam Savage's Favorite Tools - Dial Caliper”
186. “Adam Savage's Favorite Tools - Jewelry Clamps”
187. “Adam Savage's Favorite Tools - Labelmaker”
188. “Adam Savage's Favorite Tools - Automatic Wire Strippers”
189. “Adam Savage's - Making a Die Filer Machine!”
190. “Adam Savage's New Mechanical Claws!”
191. “Adam Savage's - LEGO International Space Station!”
192. “Adam Savage Examines an Embalming Toolkit!”
193. “Show and Tell - Guru del Toro Collectible Figure!”
194. “How Adam Savage Films Himself in Self-Isolation”
195. “Adam Savage's - Refrigerated Cooling Suit!”
196. “Inside Adam Savage's Cave - Mystery Stone Head from MythBusters”
197. “Adam Savage's Chewbacca Display Case!”
198. “Adam Savage's Dream Diary Sculpture”
199. “Adam Savage's Nailer and Stapler Storage Rack”
200. “Adam Savage Reveals What's Left of the Original Buster!”
201. “Adam Savage's - Poker Table!”
202. “Adam Savage's Custom Cosplay Storage Case!”
203. “Adam Savage's - Dinosaur Skull Lamp!”
204. “Adam Savage's Model Shop Archive Props!”
205. “Adam Savage's - Rickshaw Carriage!”
206. “Adam Savage's - A Fake Can of Beans!”
207. “Adam Savage Opens His 2019 Reddit Secret Santa Gift!”
208. “Adam Savage Geeks Out Over EVA Foam Chain Mail!”
209. “Adam Savage's Very First Vacuuming Forming Project!”
210. “Custom Cricut Maker Vinyl Cutter Workshop Cart!”
211. “Adam Savage's 'Keys to Hell' Sculpture!”
212. “Adam Savage's - Portable Soldering Station!”
213. “Adam Savage Explains the Universal Greeblie!”
214. “Hydro Dipping Carbon Fiber Blaster Grips!”
215. “Inside Adam Savage's Cave - Modelmaking Inspiration from Weta Workshop!”
216. “Inside Adam Savage's Cave - Leather Man Sculpture!”
217. “Adam Savage's - Gaslamp Lantern Prop!”
218. “Adam Savage's Reddit Secret Santa Gift for Hungry Bacon Elephant!”
219. “Adam Savage's Rounders Poker Chips and Case Replica!”
220. “Inside Adam Savage's Cave - Human Anatomy Model!”
221. “Adam Savage's - Workshop Hardware Storage!”
222. “Adam Savage's Soft Flail Sculpture!”
223. “Adam Savage's - Custom Beat Saber Hilts!”
224. “Adam Savage's - Space Camera Shroud!”
225. “Adam Savage's - No-Face Animatronic Mouth!”
226. “Inside Adam Savage's Cave - New Apollo EVA Gloves!”
227. “Adam Savage's - Star-Lord Cosplay!”
228. “Adam Savage's - Star-Lord's Walkman!”
229. “Adam Savage's - Project Egress Apollo Hatch!”
230. “Inside Adam Savage's Cave - Book-Turned-Hammer!”
231. “Inside Adam Savage's Cave - Ryan Nagata's First Spacesuit!”
232. “Adam Savage Builds a Hero's Engine Sweet Cream Pourer!”
233. “Inside Adam Savage's Cave - High School Alien Play Spacesuit!”
234. “Adam Savage - Help Peter Jackson Solve a WWI Mystery!”
235. “Adam Savage's - LEGO Lunar Lander”
236. “Adam Savage's - Cave Museum Display!”
237. “Inside Adam Savage's Cave - New Spacesuit Hardware!”
238. “Adam Savage's - Hero Prop for TV Show!”
239. “Inside Adam Savage's Cave - Star Wars Tauntaun Statue!”
240. “Adam Savage's - Scratch-Built Spaceship!”
241. “Adam Savage Wears Lumecluster's Phoenix Gauntlets!”
242. “Adam Savage Meets Barnaby Dixon's Puppets!”
243. “Adam Savage's New 'One Day Builds' T-Shirt!”
244. “Inside Adam Savage's Cave Concept Art Reimagining Star Wars!”
245. “Adam Savage's - Lithium Ion Battery Charging Station!”
246. “Adam Savage's - Lathe Infrastructure Upgrades!”
247. “Adam Savage's Live Builds LEGO Women of NASA!”
248. “Adam Savage's - How To Build a Box!”
249. “Adam Savage Explains His Scary Hand Injury!”
250. “Adam Savage's Live Builds LEGO Blade Runner Spinner!”